Showing 76 - 100 of 239 Results
Rural Improvement... by Frank Albert Waugh ISBN: 9781276337922 List Price: $31.75
The Agricultural College... by Frank Albert Waugh ISBN: 9781278098036 List Price: $27.75
The Natural Style in Landscape Gardening by Frank A. (Frank Albert) Waugh ISBN: 9781290260732 List Price: $22.95
Systematic Pomology, Treating of Description, Nomenclature, and Classification of Fruits by Frank A. (Frank Albert) Waugh ISBN: 9781290271554 List Price: $28.95
Notes on Horticultural Nomenclature : Some Suggestions for the Nurseryman, Fruit Grower, Gar... by Waugh, F. A. (Frank Albert) ISBN: 9781290296779 List Price: $18.95
Packing and Marketing Fruits; How Fruits Should Be Handled to Carry to Market in Best Condit... by Waugh, F. A. (Frank Albert) ISBN: 9781290391580 List Price: $18.95
Outdoor Theaters; the Design, Construction and Use of Open-Air Auditoriums by Waugh, Frank Albert ISBN: 9781290388610 List Price: $22.95
Plums and Plum Culture; a Monograph of the Plums Cultivated and Indigenous in North Americ by Waugh, Frank A. (Frank Albert) ISBN: 9781290035187 List Price: $30.95
Dwarf Fruit Trees; Their Propagation, Pruning, and General Management, Adapted to the United... by Waugh, F. A. (Frank Albert) ISBN: 9781407686141 List Price: $22.95
Fruit Harvesting, Storing, Marketing : A Practical Guide to the Picking, Sorting, Packing, S... by Waugh, F. A. (Frank Albert) ISBN: 9781407745695 List Price: $23.95
The Landscape Beautiful; a Study of the Utility of the Natural Landscape, Its Relation to Hu... by Waugh Frank A. (Frank Alber... ISBN: 9781290989411 List Price: $28.95
Outdoor Theatres: The Design, Construction and use of Open-air Auditoriums by Frank Albert Waugh ISBN: 9781298539892 List Price: $23.95
Outdoor Theaters; the Design, Construction and use of Open-air Auditoriums by Frank Albert Waugh ISBN: 9781297898815 List Price: $23.95
Landscape Engineering in the National Forests by Waugh, Frank Albert, United... ISBN: 9781354889350 List Price: $19.95
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